Sunday, April 27, 2008

school obsession


what do i think of school?

on a good day : no physics. no est. no 9&10. monday, friday.
good moments : chemistry and agama class

most hateful day of the week : THURSDAY

oh yeah there may be no 9 & 10, BUT there is physics, AND i have accounts(i still have NO BLOODY IDEA WHY IM TAKING THIS USELESS SUBJECT), AND physics tuition like...half an hour after accounts finishes. it's like...i never fail to be depressed on this day. two subjects i despise and dont get and two most boring tuition teachers i have ever met. gah

good moments of tuition : maths, monday evening. mrs chee. haha. chemistry, tuesday night. cheryl law as my source of entertainment. hehehe.

another reason for me to hate going to school these days : morning and after recess assemblies. i'm a prefect and therefore i shall say no more. *sigh*.
oh, and monday assemblies. prefects dont get to sit even tho i clearly recall pn emilda saying that we are allowed to. now, its not that im lazy to stand or anything, coz ive physically gotten used to it, but i feel yeah thats the word. we stand among those who sit and whatever we do is more obvious so..yeah. bad exposed naked feeling. am i gonna get in trouble for writing this? hmm i wonder.

homeworks. need i say more? they give out homeworks like they give out eggs or something. heh. problem is, when they do give the homework, it doesnt seem all that bad. bt when we reach home and see our beds, we realise just how tired we are and we no longer can resist the temptation of just dozing off. and then we wake up feeling even more tired and give up on doing the homework given on that particular day. then we put it off until it mounts up and bladibla you know how it goes. damn.

exams: yes people, just one and a half weeks away. this year, i never expect A1 or whatever good excellent results. all i want is to pass all the subjects and get it over with. my expectations have gone down the drain and i dont know when it will rise again. exam stress gets to me very easily. makes me confused and lose all my feelings for everything. even the little things that i have been obsessed/excited/goo goo gaa gaa about.

yes, this is what school life is all about. and added with the fact that we are "on our way to becoming sekolah cemerlang" thingy. dont know how ill survive this year but yeah. i dont have any words of wisdom tonight (yes, u can express ur gratitude now, joey) coz im just too sick of the fact that tomorrow got school.

*note* see?? even I am not in the mood to go to school...seriously, this is like the 1st year ive ever complained bout being sick of school. *gasp*