Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tagged AGAIN

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs. OK? All set?
here goes...

1. I think too much about everything that happens to me.

2. it's pretty obvious but as most of u people know, i tend to notice cute guys miles away WITHOUT my specs and u people know lah how rabun i am

3. my friends know me too well edi. anything that happens they can always predict what it would be about. drama, duh.

4. im seriously blur. i can see people 30 feet away and yet wont be able to notice my friends right in front of me. this is proven by that time syiqah and kareema were running towards me but i was looking for them right over their shoulders. yeah.

5.i dont get over stuff easily. or...i dont get over stuff AT ALL. and as of course you would know to what i am referring to. clue. it either starts with P or J. hahaha

6. i am capable of being totally ignorant to whatever someone has said when im in a deep thinking mode.

7. i look and act old most of the time. my friend in Australia told me his boss thinks im 30. *sigh*

8. i am unstable.

1. everyone
2. that
3. bothers
4. to
5. or
6. have
7. no
8. life


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